As we navigate the harsh economic impact of COVID-19 and ultimately change how we typically do things in order to combat the transmission of this virus, I know that for many people, a postal vote will be the best option for their circumstances.
If you are interested in receiving the Postal Vote Application Registration Form when it becomes available from the Electoral Commission of Queensland, please fill out the short form on this page.
As we all know, this election will be important in deciding who you trust to keep Queenslanders safe and who can best lead the economic recovery during this uncertain and challenging time.
So in order to assist locals and make things as easy as possible for them, my team and I are able to facilitate this process in a seamless way.
As soon as the relevant ECQ forms become available, my team will immediately forward it onto you. You don't have to do a thing until then.
If I, or my team, can answer any questions you may have, please don't hesitate to contact me on (07) 4229 0100