Path to Treaty - 16 August 2022
By Craig Crawford MP, Minister for Seniors and Disability Services and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships.
It is with great pride that I offer the closing remarks today as the Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships.
A day that marks a new chapter in the history books of the Queensland story – and I am humbled to be just one of the many - over generations - who have played a role in getting to this very moment.
Today, as I stand here on the Speaker’s Green in Brisbane’s Parliament House - I respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land on which this event is taking place, their Elders past, present and emerging.
I acknowledge the generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have called for Truth and Treaty; all of you
here today who have travelled from across the state, and those who have joined us online.
I acknowledge the non-Indigenous Queenslanders who join us on this journey of treaty, truth-telling and healing.
Today we recognise the importance of acknowledging the impact and trauma of colonisation - and I believe all fair-minded Queenslanders want us to take care of this unfinished business.
Complex relationships exist today as a direct result of government policy created in this very house, decisions of non-Indigenous courts, and of our colonial history.
But this is the “People’s House”, and every Queenslander should feel a sense of place here.
And I acknowledge the unwavering commitment to and leadership of our Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, my Parliamentary colleague and proud Quandamooka woman, the Honourable Leeanne Enoch MP, and every one of my Cabinet Colleagues as we take the Path to Treaty.
We hope that today marks the beginning of righting some of those wrongs and we thank you all for being here today.
As we take this journey together, you can feel the winds of change sweeping across our great nation – I have heard many say – the stars are aligning.
While our state is proudly home to the two oldest living cultures in the world, you can feel the spirit of reconciliation flowing from the many streams, of our many cultures, towards the great ocean of a shared destiny.
The Path to Treaty will not be easy. But we must succeed.
Because, if it is done in the right spirit, what we do next on the Path to Treaty will define our humanity.
It will define our sense of fairness.
And it will leave a legacy for our children.
The legacy of a future built on harmony, understanding and respect.
As I close today – I leave you with this - at it’s very essence – Treaty is about relationships – Lets walk this path together -starting today.
Cultural Acknowledgement
We pay our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ancestors of this land, their spirits and their legacy. The foundations laid by these ancestors—our First Nations peoples—gives strength, inspiration and courage to current and future generations towards creating a better Queensland. We walk together on our shared journey of reconciliation where all Queenslanders will be equal and the diversity of Aboriginal cultures and Torres Strait Islander cultures and communities across Queensland are fully recognised, respected and valued by all.
Contact details:
Barron River Electorate Office: Email: | Phone: 07 4229 0100 | Address: 2.2/2 Chelsea Lane, REDLYNCH QLD 4870
Brisbane Ministerial Office: Email: | Phone: 07 3008 3700 | Address: PO BOX 15397, CITY EAST QLD 4002
Authorised by C Crawford, 2.2/2 Chelsea Lane, Redlynch, 4870